The Cumberland Truck Equipment Company Goes Google With Netkiller

The Cumberland Truck Equipment Company (CTE) is a Pennsylvania based company that provides service and support for heavy duty trucks, as well as commercial truck leasing. CTE contracted Netkiller, a global IT cloud innovator and authorized Google Apps reseller, to help them go Google. In addition to moving their IT system onto Google Apps for Business, Netkiller constructed a custom cloud help desk for CTE, and provided them with other useful cloud applications, such as Netkiller Shared Contacts.

Google Apps provided CTE with a reliable and user friendly IT system, together with custom Netkiller applications, which enable users to perform business activities on the cloud with heightened collaborative capabilities.  Before going Google with Netkiller, CTE was using a Lotus Notes system, which employees said was “extremely slow and hard to use.”  Since the company includes a large number of outside salesmen who are on the road for most of their days, it is important to have the ability to connect remotely, and easily collaborate with other employees on the cloud.

Besides a heavy reliance on the email and calendar functions built into Google Apps, CTE also needed a help desk solution to resolve internal issues efficiently. Using the custom help desk users can easily log issues and requests and receive internal company support, even on the road.  The system is streamlined to allow employees and support staff to communicate smoothly to solve problems and resolve internal requests.

The help desk provides a user friendly interface through which employees can submit issues and requests that need to be resolved. Upon submission, the request is sent to support along with a notification email. All requests can be viewed on the “Request History” page. Clicking a request item causes details to appear, including all the comment logs, so that similar issues can be resolved more easily in the future. When support enters a comment, receives a request, or closes a request, a notification email is sent to the employee that generated the request. Once a support member accepts a case that case is moved to the “Accepted Requests” list. Comment history is maintained with every case.  The help desk runs completely on the cloud, and integrates smoothly with CTE’s new Google Apps IT system, making use of Gmail for easy communication.

Google Apps for Business provides CTE with streamlined, user friendly IT solutions that promote communication and smoother business interactions.  Since moving to Google Apps the CTE IT administrators have experienced “less calls, better performance, lower costs, and more features” than their previous system. CTE employees find Google Apps “faster and easier to use.”

“We use Gmail, Netkiller Shared Contacts, and the Google Calendar pretty heavily.  Two big features we gained by switching to Google Apps were the ability to share calendars, and sync our email, contacts, and calendars with our smart phones.” John Hoffman, CTE Director of Information Technologies said, also noting: “We like the additional storage and the better spam filter.”

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