If You Worry about Security, Switch to the Google Cloud

Google is the optimal intersection of service and security.  When comparing the sheer scope and power of the Google datacenters with Google’s convenient and accessible service and top of the line security, no one can beat them.

And here’s why: 

“The controls, processes and policies that protect data in the Google systems have successfully completed a SSAE 16 Type II audit.”[1]  Since 2008, Google Apps has successfully undergone annual SAS 70 Type II audits, which has evolved into the SSAE 16 Type II attestation and its international counterpart, ISAE 3402 Type II. Google is one of the first major cloud providers to be certified for compliance to these new audit standards.  This shows that companies around the world can depend on the Google security and service with confidence.

In addition to passing the SSAE 16 Type II audit, Google Apps for Government is the first cloud based messaging and collaboration suite to receive FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act) certification.  This certification indicates that the General Services Administration has reviewed and certified Google’s security processes and documentation.  The General Services Administration (or GSA) is the U.S. federal standards organization that oversees a wide range of government administration.

Finally, Google is able to provide service with a high level of consistency; Google Apps for Business offers a 99.9% Service Level Agreement.  What this means, is that Google guarantees 99.9% uptime, to help users be confident that they will have access whenever they need it.  Learn more about Google SLA here.

So how does Google keep data so secure?

What is it about how Google manages its data that maintains these high levels of security?  There is no one factor that makes Google great at security; in fact, there are several interlocking aspects that all contribute to an incredibly secure overall system.

One of the key factors is that Google does not rely purely on technology, but employs a full time security team of the world’s foremost experts in information, application, and network security.  Secondly, Google prides itself on a strict security protocol, and security is a key design principle in all its applications.  In addition to tightly managed security procedures within Google, external security audits are also regularly conducted to ensure additional quality security management.  Finally, although there are several critical factors involved in Google’s security, ultimately it is about technology:  “To reduce exploit risks, each Google server is custom-built with only the necessary software components, and the homogeneous server architecture enables rapid updates and configuration changes across the entire network when necessary. Data is replicated in multiple data centers for redundancy and consistent availability.”[2]

Other security features:

Each Google server stores fragmented data from multiple customers.  Thus, data is obfuscated, so even in the unlikely event that someone managed to hack into one fortress Google server, the data would be basically unusable.

One of the most common forms of security breach comes from the user.  Human error can result in password security breaches.  In order to lower the risk of a security breach in this way Google offers an optional 2-step verification service.  This means that even if a password is cracked, guessed, or otherwise stolen, an attacker can’t sign in without access to the user’s verification codes, which only the user can obtain via their own mobile phone.  Learn more about how to deploy 2-step verification.

Convinced that Google’s security is top of the line?

Migrate your business to Google Apps through Netkiller’s internationally savvy migration staff and receive personalized service from Netkiller’s skilled professionals for the entire lifetime of your Google Apps subscription.  Contact Netkiller at: sales (at) netkiller.com for more information.

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