Choose the Best Dropbox Plan for your Business

Are you considering paying for a Dropbox Plan for your business but confused about which one to buy? Well, you are at the right place. Dropbox, a hosting service that brings all your files together in one place and allows files to be easily accessed and collaborated upon, offers three main categories which include Dropbox Business standard, Dropbox Business advanced, and Dropbox Education.
MOQ for new team order
End User List Price(USD)
Dropbox Business StandardAnnual Subscription – per user
2TB storage in total, 120 days version history and file recovery, secure sharing, Smart Sync, Team folder, 2-factor authentication, remote wipe, AD connector,
$ 150.00
Dropbox Business AdvancedAnnual Subscription – per user
Unlimited storage in total, 120 days version history and file recovery, secure sharing, Smart Sync, Team folder, 2-factor authentication, remote wipe, AD connector, Advanced admin controls, SSO, Device approval
$ 240.00
Dropbox Education
Annual Subscription – per user
15GB storage per user – pooled, 120 days version history and file recovery, Smart Sync, Team folder, 2-factor authentication, remote wipe, AD connector
$ 49.00
Both Dropbox Business Standard and Advanced plans are targeted to businesses who seek easy communication, file sharing, and powerful storage tools to boost workflow. However, Dropbox Business Standard plan is more oriented towards smaller businesses. The standard plan provides 2TB storage per team. Furthermore, company files and data are centralized in a single place, making it convenient for all the team members. Furthermore, with Dropbox, team members no longer have to worry about losing a file due to the extended version history function. This function can restore previous versions of files and allows admins to see file history and activity logs. In addition, there is one easy-to-use admin console that can manage team members and data. Lastly, there is in-person support available over chat and email if questions were to arise. This plan costs $150 per user per year with minimum order of 3 users. For details, see chart above.
The Dropbox Business Advanced, on the other hand, is more suitable for bigger businesses that want more sophisticated admin, audit, security, and integration features. Furthermore, the advanced plan includes all the functions mentioned in the standard plan with subtle differences such as unlimited storage per team. In the advanced plan, there are team controls where admins have greater power as they can approve of which devices team members use for work files and access members’ work accounts. There is also Single Sign-On integrations that makes logging in easier. Like the standard plan, there is also support services over phone, chat, or email. This plan costs $240 per user per year. It also requires 3 users to order. For details, see chart above.
Dropbox Education is solely designed for schools to boost students’ productivity and learning. With Dropbox, students can work across any device regardless of being online or offline. Furthermore, Dropbox Education allows students to work across various types of files. Furthermore, Dropbox Education provides an easy communication between faculty and students due to easy sharing. As a result, collaboration has never been easier. In addition, each user gets 15 GB in storage. This plan costs $49 per user per year and at least 300 users required to purchase. For details, visit the chart above.
Easy communication fosters convenient collaboration that boosts workflow and productivity. If this is what your business is looking for, obtain your Dropbox plan through Netkiller today!
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