Now Tags feature in Collavate is even easier to use!

No more clicking and clicking and clicking. Now you can search and add Tags to files with just one click!

Select Tags from the library (left side of screen) to list those related files (no more extended filter menu) and add Tags directly onto Google Drive files and documents (right side of screen) from the Collavate home screen.

Tag feature in that was released last December in Collavate is now applied to main menu and document list. (Please refer to the link to learn more about TAGs in Collavate )

Before, you had to click into extended filter menu to see your TAGs library. No more of that! Now you can simply sort and classify files and documents in Google Drive by just clicking tag list (personal and domain shared TAGs) on the left of the home screen.

Also, before you had to select a file and click TAGs (dark blue button) to add tags on a document. No more of that either! Now you can simply add TAGs to files and folders by clicking + sign in a one click.

1. Searching through TAGs library

Files appear on the table on the right side when you select tags from tag library from left side of the home screen (personal and domain shared tags). Those are the files that contains the tag(s) that you have selected.

If you select more than one tags, files appear to be “and” condition and when you click “Reset”, it will reset your selection of the tags from library.
You can add personal tags by clicking “+” icon.

For your reference, yellow colored tags appear to all of the users when admin user installs Collavate and enable “Domain shared TAGs” feature. Also, currently there are limits on tags: tags now do not support space. Also, it supports upto 10 characters. Limits can be unlocked from business version.

2. Enabling TAGs on document list

  • Click “Show TAGs” button on top of the table on the right side that lists Google Drive files
  • Detailed view of tags appears on individual files just like the screenshot below.

  • When you see documents with “+” sign, it means you have Editable privilege that can add or delete tags.
  • Each individual files lists tags that are added and you can click “+” sign to add more tags easily.

  • When you type first letter of name of a tag, a drop down menu appears to suggest tags that already exist in your library.

Please note that Tags can be not only added to files, but also to folders only if you have editing privilege.

3. Searching through your Google Drive using TAGs

Just like the tag feature that was released and introduced in Netkiller blog last December (reference:, this additional tag feature can be utilized in Google Drive. You can directly search documents using tags in your google drive in your computer or mobile phone as this new feature of tag is also saved in Google Drive’s files and documents.

Just simply search using tag’s name. If you want more detailed result, you can search by “ctag:tag name,tag name”.

Feel free to try out Collavate at or install the app from Google Apps Marketplace. If you have any questions or comments to make it better, please contact us at We’d love to hear your feedback!

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