Hello Netkiller Users and Friends:
We are pleased to announce that as of this Wednesday, August 14, 2013, at 3:00 pm (PST), Netkiller, Inc. will roll out its new product name: Collavate! In addition to this new name, Collavate will offer many new features described below.

For those netkiller_Docs users who registered through the Google Apps Marketplace, your IT systems administrator will have to first access Collavate and then grant Google Apps domain level access. More detailed instructions for this transition are set forth below. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are sure that our new features will more than make up for this.
New Features available as of 3:00 pm on August 14, 2013:
Automatic Email attachment file Upload: This feature, which we call “Killermail,” allows automatic uploading of attachments to your Google Drive. Later, we will also enable automatic sharing for email recipients.
Workflow for Personal Gmail: This feature allows personal Gmail users to start using Collavate’s workflow function through Gmail wherever there are. Google Apps users who did not install Collavate via the Google Apps Marketplace also can start using Collavate’s workflow from the users’ Gmail account.
Real time Google Drive Activity Detection for Gmail Users: This feature allows Google Account users to detect their Google Drive activities (create, open, delete, edit, change permission, change sharing, rename, etc) in real time. If a user has Collavate admin level access, then the user can see and search a user’s entire Google Apps Domain Drive activities on the history log. This log is stored in real time and can be maintained for extended terms as the user may require.
New Website: We have redesigned our website so that it is much more user friendly, informative and attractive.
Future Release scheduled for the week of August 26, 2013:
New UI/UX: Collavate will launch an entirely new, more intuitive user interface that is simpler and easier to use.
Automatic Email Attachment File Sharing: This feature, a part of Killermail, allows the user to share email attachments automatically uploaded through Collavate onto the user’s Google Drive to be shared automatically with the email’s other recipients. Those “invited” recipients will be able to see shared files not only at Collavate but also in the user’s Google Drive.
Improved Reports for workflow and Drive Activities: This an improvement of an existing function that now provides more useful data and a better design and format.
Chrome Store: Collavate will be available on the Chrome Store and individual gmail users will be able to access Collavate without downloading.
At Netkiller, we strive to always improve our products and services to meet the needs of our users. Please try out our new features and let us know how you like them. Email us at features@netkiller.com.