Did you know that there’s an easy way to find a creation date of a user’s account in your domain for Google Apps for Work? Currently, the information of a user’s last login date can be accessed within the Google Apps Admin console.
Please note that viewing the creation date of a user’s account is not yet available in the google apps admin console, but we will demonstrate elsewhere you can find a user account’s creation date can be found.
Here is how to view a user account’s first login date and a user account’s creation date.
How to Find a User’s First Login Date
Login to Google Apps Admin Console (http://admin.google.com) and go to Users > Click three vertical dot icon in the upper right corner > select Download users to download a csv file.

You can find a ‘First login’ column to see user’s first login date.

How to View when an Account was Created
Go to Google Apps Admin Console and sign in to the Google admin console. Please access the Directory API webpage in a new tab at https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/reference/users/get
Click the link called ‘authorization’ which is underlined text. You should be able to see the option ‘Authorize requests using OAuth 2.0’ and press the authorize toggle button. Click ‘AUTHORIZE’ and then ‘Allow’
In the text field ‘userKey’, insert the full email address of the user you would like to view the creation date for, and then click on ‘AUTHORIZE AND EXECUTE’
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Scroll down to the Response section and you should be able to see a string of code that shows the creation date of the account user. This looks like (“creationTime”: “2015-02-23T23:27:32.000Z”).
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