NBS Use Case: Tracking Attendance
Keeping track of student attendance can be time consuming and inefficient when entering in by hand manually. Going digital reduces time spent taking roll and reduces human error. Using the Netkiller Barcode Scanner automatically records student ID, time in, and more!
Whether you are looking for a method to take roll-call for everyday use or for mandatory exam dates, tracking student attendance is fast, easy, and efficient with the Netkiller Barcode Scanner. Instructors create an attendance form, have students scan their student ID barcode at the beginning of class, and attendance is recorded directly onto the linked Google Spreadsheet stored in the instructor’s Google Drive. To make changes to the student’s status, the information entered in can be updated by rescanning a Student ID, or making changes directly on the Google Spreadsheet.
Getting Started
First, launch the Netkiller Barcode Scanner application. The application can be accessed a few ways.
Chrome Web Store
Access the Google Chrome Web Store and search “Netkiller Barcode Scanner”. Click on the app and select [Visit Website]
Enter browser web address
The app can also be quickly launched by entering http://bc-scanner.appspot.com on your mobile or desktop browser
App Store
The Netkiller Barcode Scanner app is available for install in Apple App Store. Simply search “Netkiller Barcode Scanner” in the app store on your iOS device.
When launching the application, the Netkiller Barcode Scanner will request access permission to your Google Drive. To successfully launch the application, click [Allow].
Next, Click “Create New Spreadsheet from Dynamic Form”
For this Use Case, we will be creating a form designed for keeping records of Student Attendance.
① Design an Attendance Form
Instructors design an attendance fill-out form for students. The form pops up each time a student scans their student ID barcode. The student barcode number and time of scan is automatically filled out. Student manually types in their name and select IN / OUT status.
After design is complete, you can preview the designed form:
Clicking [OK], and [Complete and Save] officially uses the designed form for your mobile scans. When a form is created, the Netkiller Barcode Scanner automatically creates a Google Spreadsheet in your Google Drive to record the data for your mobile scans.
You may rename your Google Spreadsheet from the default title “Netkiller Barcode Scanner_2.0” to a title suited for your purposes.
For this use case, our spreadsheet is renamed to “Student Attendance”
Optional: If creating a class roster, enter in the student number associated with barcode in Barcode column, and student name under Student Name column. When doing this, scanning the student’s barcode will automatically pull up their name via mobile. If no roster is created on the Google Spreadsheet beforehand, scanning Student Barcode via mobile will simply require entering in student name at the time of scan the first time.
② Scan Student ID Barcode
When students arrive to class, the instructor scans Students’ IDs, or the students scan their barcode with the instructor’s mobile device (designated smartphone, tablet, etc). The student ID, name, and time of scan is automatically entered. For new students, or if there was no roaster created on the Google Spreadsheet initially, the form via mobile will require filling in the Student Name associated with the barcode number. The instructor or student selects IN / OUT status with the drop down menu.
When the student presses [Submit Changes] via mobile form, the information is automatically recorded onto the Google spreadsheet previously renamed to “Student Attendance” in the instructor’s Google Drive.
③ Rescan to Update Changes
Rescanning a Student ID barcode via mobile will pull the previous entered information and display on the mobile screen. Modifications to the information can be made. Rescanning a Student ID allows updating information such as changing the student attendance status from “IN” to “OUT”.
The Netkiller Barcode Scanner can be used to take student attendance. It benefits the instructor by saving time and conveniently storing attendance data in the instructor’s Google Drive. Changes and modifications to the entered information are possible for flexibility.

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