7 Reasons to Implement Dropbox Through a Partner

If you’ve ever lost a file (or multiple files) because your computer crashed or wasted hours trying to share data with a group, you’ll appreciate the convenient and crash-proof features of Dropbox.  Dropbox is a universal cloud storage and file hosting collaboration solution that boasts over 500  million users.  And, there are good reasons for its popularity.  Dropbox offers a simple user interface plus an easy-to-use file and folder sharing system that keeps the data that’s on your device securely stored up in the cloud.  No more lost data.
Say good-bye to the frustrations of group collaborations.  Dropbox’s Team Folders makes sharing or uploading data with external users a breeze. Dropbox often times encourages users to purchase their app through partners.  Here are seven great reasons why:
1. Partners are able to introduce the best plan for your company.  With an average of around 12 cloud services per company globally, it can be time consuming and frustrating to compare them all.  So why not let a partner do it for you?  We use a variety of cloud solutions for corporate departments, groups, or specific projects to custom-suit your company’s individual needs.  We are pros at integration (such as with Office 365) and also understand the benefits of Dropbox-only desktop synchronization, We will personally consult with you so we can create a Dropbox business plan that’s a perfect fit.  Plus, you’ll get support for effective configuration through integration or upgrade of the Dropbox personal plan and company plan.

2. Dropbox business is booming.  In fact, so much so, they were listed on IPOs last year. While the company is working to accommodate all the new business, you might be left hanging if you encounter an issue and need support or have a question.  That’s where local partners come in because they can quickly help you overcome any issues you might face and can answer question you may have too.

3. With a partner on your side, you’ll be able to get insights and guidance on transitioning from legacy to the cloud.  For instance, if your company wants to utilize the cloud instead of local storage, or would like to backup or synchronize, or even consolidate centralized storage management, your partner can assist you in building your enterprise through Dropbox business and connector solutions.

4. A partner understands that the needs of the industry are unique for each business. In addition, if you have an overseas branch office, you can receive support for communication methods, change management training, etc. for use of storage solutions between the head office and branch offices. Your partner is able to customize all the fine details for you so you’ll have a smooth transition and will be able to operate and maintain your Dropbox efficiently and effectively.

5. The transferring of your data is much simpler with the help of a partner because you can easily move your cloud through your partner. For example, if you are using a legacy server and you are reviewing data migration through a Dropbox business purchase, you can likely get support from a partner, as well as be guided through synchronization, backups, and data migration from Dropbox to other cloud platforms.

6. Discounts and extra benefits are often available for you when you use a partner.  Perks include such things as getting access to a free trial of Dropbox business, being able to view a demo, and receiving flexible discount pricing based on volume purchases or promotions – all without having to go through the Dropbox website for complicated steps.

7. When you purchase through partners, you’ll receive a free security check when you’re configuring your document sharing system.  Say you’re business has a Human Resource Department, as many do.  You’ll be able to have a security check to ensure that folders containing Human Resource related documents are not shared or leaked automatically with other users. This security measure will help you build security controls on your company’s key assets, files and documents.

Are you ready to experience all the convenience and assurance Dropbox has to offer?  If so, why not take advantage of the extra bonuses you’ll get by going through a partner too?  Find out more about Dropbox business plans and check out the added benefits  by contacting a local Dropbox partner today.  

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