5 Important Things to Consider when Moving to Google G Suite

Currently there are around 4 million businesses are paying for Google G Suite and last year alone, over 1 million businesses turned to G Suite for their office needs.  As Google G Suite enters its 12th year, scores more businesses and organizations are moving to the trusted cloud-based platform.  
Providing growth continues at the rate it has been, it is projected over 10 million will take advantage of G Suite services in the next 3 years.  Some will continue to use Microsoft PowerPoint and/or a few other of Microsoft Office services but have found that G Suite has the features that serve them best.
If you are one of the many who are moving to Google G Suite, for whatever reason, here are 5 things you’ll want to take into consideration:
5 Important Things to Consider when Moving to G Suite
Every small business is unique, but there are certain application requirements most share.  In Google G Suite, these universal office needs are bundled into “suites” consisting of such services as spreadsheet, email, word processing, storage, calendar, and more.  Additional tools are sometimes included as well like forms manager, website builder, chat and video conferencing, and a host of others.
G Suite offers simplicity
Every business-minded person knows that the goal to making things happen comes not by working more, but by working wiser.  The flexibility and efficiency G Suite gives users allows them to collaborate and streamline processes more quickly which is ultimately…wise.
Standard office apps are available
From the loaded features of Gmail to the calendar, docs, sheets, hangouts, and myriad of other apps that come with G Suite, businesses are able to find most everything they need to collaborate, process, and get the job done.
Free vs. Paid Google Apps
It has been said that, “You get what you pay for.”  While Google Apps have always been the exception to that rule in that they are definitely beneficial, there a myriad of additional perks that come with the paid G Suite version like admin and management features, increased storage, and helpful support.
G Suite provides clear and comprehensive pricing
It’s always frustrating when you can’t understand a bill or pricing of a service.  Sometimes, it’s actually because it doesn’t make good sense in the first place.  While the competition has some confusing pricing levels and the bill can be complicated as well, Google G Suite takes pride in offering plans that are just like their service, clear, simple, and a cinch to understand.  Their plans are: Basic, Business, and Enterprise.  How easy is that?
G Suite doesn’t require any installation and is readily available online
G Suite has taken the headache out of having an office platform with a number of services you can use to accomplish the collaboration and processing needs of most any business.  Rather than requiring you to download the program and apps, Google provides an SaaS app, or Software as a Service.  Simply put, that means all you have to do is subscribe to G Suite.  There’s no need to install anything.  Just login to your account and boom!  You are ready to roll.  There are some optional apps you may want to install on your phone but they aren’t mandatory.  You can also switch to a mode for working offline if you chose to.
Wait…There’s More
The above five points to ponder when moving to Google G Suite cloud-driven services actually just scratch the surface.  To find out more of the many ways G Suite can help your business or to discover the best G Suite plan for you, visit the Netkiller partner site.
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