넷킬러, LA 대화재 피해 현지 한국인기업을 위한 긴급 지원 활동을 시작합니다.

Hotline: 415-212-8995, Ext 2  


최근 LA 지역을 강타한 대규모 화재로 인해 수많은 기업, 특히 한인 기업들이 막대한 피해를 입었습니다. 화재로 사업장과 설비가 소실되고, 무엇보다 데이터 손실로 인해 비즈니스 운영에 심각한 차질이 빚어지고 있습니다. 이는 기업의 존폐를 위협할 수 있는 중대한 문제입니다.

이에 Google Cloud Premier Partner이자 미주 최대 한인 경제 단체 중 하나인 KITA(남가주 지부) 회원사인 넷킬러는 LA 대화재 피해를 입은 한인 기업의 신속한 재해 복구와 비즈니스 정상화를 위해 “LA 대화재 피해 한인 기업을 위한 재해 복구 지원 센터”를 긴급 론칭합니다.

넷킬러는 작년부터 Google LA 오피스에서 한인 기업 대상 Google Cloud 행사를 다수 주최하는 등 한인 커뮤니티와 긴밀히 협력해 왔습니다. 이러한 경험을 바탕으로 이번 재해 복구 지원에 중추적인 역할을 수행할 것입니다. 또한, Google 본사 및 현지 팀들과도 긴밀히 협력하여 지원 활동을 펼쳐나갈 예정입니다.

본 지원 센터는 Google의 기술과 솔루션을 기반으로 다음과 같은 긴급 지원 프로그램을 제공합니다.

Hotline: 415-212-8995, Ext 2  La-wildfire@netkiller.com


1. 긴급 데이터 백업 및 복구 지원 (Google Cloud Storage 및 Transfer Appliance 활용)

화재로 인해 데이터 손실 위기에 처한 기업들을 위해, 추가 자연 재해에도 데이터 안전성과 보안을 보장하는 Google Cloud로의 신속한 데이터 이전을 지원합니다. 

이를 위해 대용량 데이터의 초고속 Google Cloud Storage 및 Google Drive 이전을 위해 Google과 협력합니다. 특히, 피해 기업들이 수 주를 기다릴 여유가 없다는 점을 감안하여, Google Transfer Appliance를 최우선 배정하고 항공 및 육로를 통해 긴급 배송할 계획입니다.

2. 기업용 유선 전화번호의 클라우드 이전 (Google Voice 활용)

화재로 유선 전화망이 소실된 기업의 고객 연락 두절 등 2차 피해를 방지하기 위해, 기존 유선 전화번호를 24시간내 Google Voice로 신속하게 이전(Porting)하여 비즈니스 연속성을 확보하도록 지원합니다.

넷킬러는 이미 LA 현지에 위치한 Google 각 팀에 긴급 협조를 요청하였으며, 피해 한인 기업들이 하루빨리 재기하고 비즈니스를 정상화할 수 있도록 최선을 다해 지원할 것입니다.

Hotline: 415-212-8995, Ext 2  


Netkiller Launches Emergency Support for Korean Businesses Affected by Greater Los Angeles Wildfires

Hotline: 415-212-8995, Ext 2  La-wildfire@netkiller.com

The recent devastating wildfires in Los Angeles have inflicted severe damage on numerous businesses, particularly Korean American-owned enterprises. Many have suffered the loss of their workplaces, equipment, and, critically, data, leading to significant disruptions in business operations. This data loss poses a serious threat to the survival of these businesses.

In response, Netkiller, a Google Cloud Premier Partner and a member of KITA (Korean International Trade Association, Southern California Chapter), one of the largest Korean economic organizations in the Americas, is urgently launching the “Disaster Recovery Support Center for Korean Businesses Affected by the LA Wildfires.” This center aims to provide rapid disaster recovery and business continuity support to Korean businesses impacted by the fires.

Netkiller has been actively collaborating with the Korean business community, including hosting multiple Google Cloud events for Korean businesses at the Google LA office since last year. Leveraging this experience, Netkiller will play a pivotal role in these disaster recovery support efforts. We are also working closely with Google headquarters and local teams to provide comprehensive support.

The Support Center will offer the following emergency support programs, powered by Google’s technology and solutions:

1. Emergency Data Backup and Recovery Support (Utilizing Google Cloud Storage and Transfer Appliance)

To assist businesses facing data loss due to the fires, we will facilitate rapid data migration to Google Cloud, ensuring data security and protection against further natural disasters. We will collaborate with Google to expedite the transfer of large volumes of data to Google Cloud Storage and Google Drive with high speed. Recognizing the urgency, we will prioritize the allocation of Google Transfer Appliances and arrange for their expedited delivery via air and ground transportation, as affected businesses cannot afford to wait weeks for delivery.

2. Business Telephone Number Cloud Migration (Utilizing Google Voice)

To prevent secondary damage such as loss of customer contact due to landline outages caused by the fire, we will help businesses quickly port their existing landline numbers to Google Voice within 24 hours, ensuring business continuity.

Netkiller has already requested urgent assistance from relevant Google teams located in LA and will do its utmost to support the swift recovery and business normalization of affected Korean businesses.

Hotline: 415-212-8995, Ext 2  La-wildfire@netkiller.com

Netkiller ISMS 4.1 Release: Enhanced Security Features for Comprehensive Data Protections

We are pleased to announce the release of Netkiller ISMS version 4.1! This upgrade has added and enhanced various features to strengthen information security management and improve user convenience.

A key feature of Netkiller ISMS 4.1 is the option to scan the metadata of all files within the domain, shared drives, and files shared from external sources, including their sharing status, permissions, and link sharing status. This feature represents a significant improvement in speed, over 100 times faster than previous file content audits. It enables users to verify permissions for all files and ensure that access to sensitive information is granted only to authorized users.

Additionally, the design has been improved to provide progress details of full scans, and a feature to download large-scale full scan results has been added to enhance security monitoring.

To understand data sharing status and protect data containing sensitive information, predefined DLP information types (such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, Korean/American passport numbers, etc.), real-time display of external sharing and public status of drive files, and Netkiller ISMS DLP’s GWS log triggers have been introduced.

The Netkiller ISMS 4.1 version includes various enhancements, such as improved drive log and data retrieval speeds, better OCR recognition and processing, and an improved responsive UI for tablets and mobile devices.

New Features

  • High-speed Drive Full Scan option:
    • An option has been added to perform a full scan focusing on metadata such as sharing information, excluding the contents of the files. This allows for more than 100 times faster scanning while monitoring important security aspects.
  • Shared Drive Permissions scan:
    • ISMS 4.1 has been upgraded with the capability to scan permissions for all shared drives within the domain. This feature allows for the verification of permissions for each shared drive, ensuring that access to sensitive information is granted only to authorized users.


  • Full Scan
    • Full Scan Download function: Improvements have been made to allow for the downloading of large-scale full scan results, making it easier to analyze data and take necessary actions.
    • Full Scan Progress Visibility: The progress of the full scan is displayed in percentage in a progress bar, providing a clear representation of the scan’s completion status.

  • Drive Activity logs search, retrieval speed and event details divisions
    • Improved speed of Drive Activity search and retrieval
    • The labeling of drive activities has been improved. Previously, events were simply marked as “Shared,” but now they are more specifically categorized as “Shared externally” or “Shared publicly,” providing clearer insights into data sharing practices.

  • OCR
    • Improved Image Processing: The processing of images with white backgrounds and clear fonts/texts has been improved, leading to higher OCR accuracy.
    • Detection of Text alongside Objects: For images that contain text along with other objects, this feature detects the text and improves accuracy.
    • Handwritten Text Recognition: Simple fonts and clear handwritten texts can now be recognized through OCR.
    • Automatic Image Alignment: If an image is not properly aligned, it automatically rotates to the correct orientation to execute OCR.

  • Netkiller ISMS DLP 
    • GWS Drive Audit Log Triggers: Netkiller ISMS DLP now detects not only drive activities through Netkiller ISMS but also GWS drive audit log areas, offering audit trigger operations for all file activities in Netkiller ISMS/GWS, thus providing an additional layer of security monitoring.
    • Predefined DLP Policy Types: New predefined Data Loss Prevention (DLP) information types such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, Korean passport numbers, U.S. passport numbers, and U.S. SSNs have been added. This expansion helps in better identifying and protecting sensitive information.

  • UI / UX 
    • The UI has been improved for tablets and mobile devices to be more responsive.


  • Drive Activity Log: 
    • The detection of drive activities for externally owned files has been enhanced.
  • Netkiller ISMS DLP 
    • Issues with DLP visibility, DLP trigger operations, and reactivation of revision archiving have been resolved.
  • Miscellaneous Fixes
    • Various improvements have been made to enhance the overall functionality and performance of Netkiller ISMS.

Example Impacts of Updating to Netkiller ISMS 4.1

Example of the Effectiveness of the Shared Drive Permission Scan Feature:

A marketing team member accidentally granted write permissions to a shared drive folder containing important customer information to all company employees.

With the shared drive permission scan feature of Netkiller ISMS 4.1, administrators can quickly identify and correct this permission setting error, preventing the risk of sensitive customer information leakage in advance.

Example of the Effectiveness of the Ultra-Fast File Metadata Scan Feature:

An employee who is planning to resign attempts to mass-copy thousands of files, including the company’s trade secrets, to a personal USB drive.

With the ultra-fast file metadata scan feature, the system quickly identifies the potential for this data breach and detects the user’s mass copying attempt, preventing the leakage of important information and protecting the company’s competitive edge.

Example of the Effectiveness of Enhanced Drive Activity Log Events:

If an employee accidentally shares an important file externally, previously it was simply marked as “Shared,” making it difficult to accurately determine whether it was shared inside or outside the domain.

With the improved feature, it’s now labeled more specifically, such as “Shared externally,” allowing administrators to quickly identify the issue and take necessary actions. This enhancement effectively manages inappropriate data sharing and reduces security risks.

Example of the Effectiveness of the Strengthened OCR Feature:

An employee in the accounting department scans a receipt image containing a customer’s name, address, and credit card information.

With the enhanced OCR capability, the system accurately recognizes text within the image and automatically extracts sensitive information, allowing it to be processed in accordance with DLP policies. This strengthens the protection of personal information and ensures compliance with regulations.

Example of the Effectiveness of Expanded DLP Information Types:

An employee in the development team accidentally uploads a GitHub repository file containing the company’s source code to Google Drive and sets it to public.

With the expanded DLP information types, the system can identify data such as source code and block public sharing or send a warning message. This protects the company’s intellectual property and helps it maintain its competitive edge.

Example of the Effectiveness of Expanded Trigger Operation Policies:

A hacker attempts to delete important files stored on Google Drive after hijacking a user account.

Netkiller ISMS supports trigger policies including GWS Drive Audit logs. It detects suspicious activities within the GWS Drive and immediately alerts the administrators. This prevents data loss and minimizes damage through prompt response.

In Closing:

The upgrade to Netkiller ISMS 4.1 significantly strengthens the data security of Google Drive. It effectively enhances corporate information security by proactively preventing and blocking the risk of data breaches in various situations!

If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to kst@netkiller.com.


The Netkiller ISMS Team

Hello everyone. This is Netkiller.

Netkiller is committed to prioritizing the secure protection and management of our customers’ valuable information. On December 19, 2023, a phishing attack targeting SendGrid users led to the theft of Netkiller’s SendGrid account, resulting in the distribution of spam emails using the Netkiller domain. We immediately responded to this security breach, ensuring that no data or customer information was leaked. It was identified that 39 recipients(Not Netkiller Customers) opened the spam message. Netkiller sincerely apologizes to those who received these unauthorized emails and is dedicated to implementing measures to prevent any such incidents in the future.

Incident Summary:

On December 19, 2023, around 10 AM KST, a Netkiller employee received a phishing email disguised as a SendGrid service notification. The phishing email contained a fake login page, through which the employee’s account credentials, password, and two-factor authentication details were compromised. Although the employee quickly recognized the email as phishing and reset their account password within minutes, the SendGrid API was stolen, leading to a mass distribution of spam emails. Immediate action was taken to address this bulk mailing, and the issue has now been resolved, with no further unauthorized mailings occurring.

Description of Damages:

  • A temporary SendGrid account used by Netkiller was compromised through a phishing email, leading to the theft of SendGrid API information.
  • Spam emails were sent out to various email addresses using this API.
  • The spam emails were sent to a total of 16,277 random email addresses, and among them, 39 individuals clicked on the phishing link.

Measures and Improvements:

Netkiller has taken measures to ensure that such incidents do not occur again in the future, including enhanced security training on phishing and spam emails, and implementing additional account authentication and management systems. We sincerely apologize for the concern this has caused to our customers and those who received the fraudulent emails.

Inquiries and Support:

If you have any questions about our compliance policy, please contact us at support@netkiller.com

We appreciate your patience, understanding, and ongoing support while we address this incident.


The Netkiller Team

Hello everyone. This is the Netkiller Support Team.

At Netkiller Inc., we have always strived to protect and manage customers’ information. However, due to a human error, we regret to inform you that on Sunday, December 10, 2023, an email containing instructions for Google Workspace administrators’ two-step authentication intended for a specific client was mistakenly sent to some other clients. Netkiller sincerely apologizes to all our clients and promises to take the following measures and make efforts to prevent such incidents in the future.

Incident Summary:

On December 10, 2023, around 2:10 PM KST, a Netkiller customer support representative accidentally CC’ed an email to other customers while providing instructions for a GWS administrator’s 2-step authentication. As a result, one customer’s email contents were partially exposed to Netkiller clients.

Exposed Information:

  • Basic contact information specified in the email footer of the client
  • Instructions for setting up GWS administrator’s two-step authentication (excluding specific client-related details; the instructions contained general technical guidance)

Measures and Improvements:

Netkiller has taken measures to implement a mandatory internal approval process for mass-sent emails to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future.

We sincerely apologize once again for causing concern to our valued customers. 

Inquiries and Support:

If you have any questions regarding Netkiller’s security compliance policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@netkiller.com.

On August 2nd, Netkiller sponsored and participated in TD Synnex’s 10th annual Google Summit on the Road hosted in Austin, TX, live music capital of the world.

Netkiller pitched and showed off various features of “netkiller ISMS,” our Google Workspace MSSP solution, to over 30 partners of the Texas-based general distributor company TD Synnex.

At our booth, we showed a demonstration of netkiller ISMS’s main functions including the Google Drive full scan, the automated detection system using keywords and regular expressions, and our robust unlimited tracking of revision and version history. We received a large positive response with attendees displaying significant interest in our solution. Notably, many of our booth’s visitors took a particular interest in how netkiller ISMS can fill the gap between Google Workspace and enterprise-level security compliance requirements.

TD Synnex reseller attendees could also receive a copy of netkiller ISMS’s white paper and manual and sign up for a free version of netkiller ISMS which lasts until the end of this year.

Check out https://netkiller.com/dlp/ for more information about netkiller ISMS’s different functions.

Drawing from the insights gained at this event and the valuable relationships formed with our partners, we are committed to further enhancing our efforts in providing safer and more tailored security solutions (MSSPs) to support our customers all over the world in delivering cloud security services.

Meet the Netkiller team at TD SYNNEX’s 10th annual Google Summit on the Road at the world’s live music capital, Austin, Texas!  We are proud sponsors of this event and will be presenting our netkiller ISMS product. 

Google Summit will consist of a day of networking, in-depth learning, and exciting opportunities to explore the solutions offered by Netkiller, Google Cloud, and more.

Quick Launch summary

We’re introducing ‘full scan’, a powerful auditing feature for stronger data security. This update allows Netkiller ISMS administrators to check the status of Google Drive file sharing for all domain users to prevent possible data leaks. We are now supporting text recognition in the image and HWP files, so it is possible to detect sensitive information in image and HWP files.

What’s Changing

Auditing your Google Drive (Full Scan)

Administrators can now scan all Google Drive files for your entire domain and inspect the file sharing status.

Text recognition of images file now available

With our latest update, Netkiller ISMS 4, we added OCR(Optical Character Recognition) function to extend our functionality. With this, custom policy can now be also applied on image files based on the extracted texts from images. Before, it was only available to detect custom keyword/regex on text based documents(e.g. Google documents, MS office documents, etc.), but images with keyword/regex in the user policy can be detected.

Netkiller ISMS OCR supports computer typefaces only and shows 60 to 90% recognition rates on average. Actual recognition results can depend on the size and condition of the target image. Please avoid following complications in the image documents to improve accuracy of OCR engine.

  • Complex background
  • Uneven lighting condition
  • Focus Loss
  • Incorrect Orientation
  • Noise
  • Show through of ink
  • Annotation
  • Yellowed Paper
Text recognition of HWP files now available

Policies can now also be applied on Hancom word processor files(HWP). Currently, Google doesn’t support previewing HWP files. Now, Netkiller ISMS can detect HWP files with keyword/regex.

Testing your keyword/regex

Netkiller ISMS users can now test their detection rules(keyword/regex) before adding. While testing your keyword/regex, expressions which can be detected will show as ‘Match’ and cannot be detected will show as ‘No Match’.


  1. Changed error message to be more visible in the login page.
  2. When changing user information, no multiple password verification will be needed for the same login session.
  3. (Mobile) Improved icon alignment in Company > IP filtering > Add more zones.
  4. (Mobile) Improved item alignment in Company > Domain Setting.

[Bug fix]

  1. Fixed an issue where, in the User page, the result is not shown when changing record number per page.
  2. Fixed an issue where, ‘Enter the valid Daily Hour’ error message is displayed when editing domain user information.
  3. Resolved the infinite loading occurring when deleting users.
  4. Minor bux fixes

In a fierce competition for seeking global talents, Netkiller offers Silicon Valley Orientation Program at Netkiller Palo Alto Innovation Studio.

Netkiller is offering Silicon Valley Orientation Program at Netkiller Palo Alto Innovation Studio to win the talent war. The two-week-long orientation program aims to inspire new hires with the Silicon Valley spirit and develop competencies to drive innovation.

The program begins on June 1st, 2022. New Employees stay in the heart of Silicon Valley near the Netkiller US Research Center, participate in professional events and explore tech attractions like Google and Apple campuses.

“We are building a strong employer brand to attract top talent,” said Justin Jung, the CEO of Netkiller. “We will invest aggressively in employee experiences like workshops and skill-building programs for our future workforce.”

In March 2022, Netkiller held the Back to Normal Workshop in Hawaii to reshape the post-COVID work environment. 30% of the global employees from the US, South Korea and Japan gathered in Waikiki, Hawaii to break their daily routines for two weeks. 

Justin claims that the change of scenery boosted employee creativity and produced a more positive and pleasant service for customers.

“Creating a positive employee experience is key to innovation,” Justin added. “We try our best to encourage employees to expand their horizons.” 

By designing unique employee experiences, he hopes to keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive in the company and attract ambitious individuals searching for new challenges.

Netkiller Palo Alto Innovation Studio is open for all global employees providing opportunities to attend seminars and conferences at the world’s leading universities such as Stanford University.